50515, IA Ayrshire, 35091 South Shore Drive #24

50515 IA properties for sale in Ayrshire with MLS # 241404


  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 49750
  • Active

General Description

This lot has 99 feet of shoreline and features a dock and boat hoist for your boat. A 46' x 56' steel metal building was built new in 2019. There are a couple of buildings for storage and for holding an indoor picnic. Nice level lot with great view of Silver Lake, Ayrshire, Iowa.

Legal: Silver Lake Shores Lot 24
Status: Active

Property Information






35091 South Shore Drive 24





Silver Lake (Ayrshire)






Farmers National Company, Michael Wentzel (712.852.2002)



Will Kretsinger - REALTOR

Will Kretsinger


Ask About this Property #241404



O'Farrell Sisters

O'Farrell Sisters in Okoboji

The O'Farrell Sister is a historic Okoboji Tradition that one must check out for breakfast and lunch!

'Farrell Sisters History
The O'Farrell Sisters restaurant was born in 1949 at the bridge on Hwy 71, between East and West Lake Okoboji. Edna Mae and Arlene O'Farrell bought the business from Ike Kissinger who was running for Sheriff of Dickinson County.

In the early years the girls were open seven days a week and had a booming business in no time. The fried chicken dinners on Sunday evenings were especially popular. There were times when the line waiting to get in was so long they'd have to lock the door and would often run out of chicken!

In 1959 Arlene married and moved to Tallahassee, Florida with her husband Furman Henderson. Edna Mae and Ferne continued in the restaurant, moving to its present location that same year. This spot had a garden and chicken coup, which was moved to the house across the street.

Ferne died in 1974 and Edna Mae in 1978. Arlene sold the business to nieces Joyce Gapinski, Jo Ann Anderson, Charlotte Sarvie and Cheri Petersen (these are married names). The nieces successfully ran the restaurant from 1979 through 2003. After losing Jo Ann in 1997 and Cheri in 2002, Joyce and Charlotte decided to sell after the 2003 season.

The rest is to be continued...

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